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What is Pupil Premium?

It is an extra allocation of funding for all schools by the Government to address the needs of disadvantaged pupils and to diminish the difference in the achievement recorded nationally between those pupils and others.

The allocation is based on those pupils who have at some point been entitled to free school meals at the school. It is also allocated to pupils from military families and Looked After Children.


At Clifton Primary School:

  • We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all the pupils
  • We ensure that appropriate provision is made for all pupils that belong to all vulnerable groups
  • All pupils receiving Pupil Premium Funding will be clearly identified and individual plans will be put in place to ensure the Funding is used to effectively to meet their individual needs. The school will carefully monitor the impact of any interventions / enhancements or support provided to ensure best value.

We are currently looking to achieve the ‘Sports Mark’ award…please click here for more details…

Sports Funding overview

We are using the funding to improve sport and physical activity for all. We work in collaboration with other schools and partnerships to make the best use of resources and enhance PE and sport provision in order to raise participation and achievement for all pupils.

Our aims:

* All children benefit regardless of sporting ability.

*All children are given the opportunity to compete in tournaments with other schools.

*Staff have access to training opportunities and continued professional development in order that pupils continue to benefit from high quality PE teaching.

*Children have the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of adventurous sports, which are not available in the school environment.

How we have used our Sports Premium Funding:

Yearly membership of the EVSP  (Eden Valley Sports Partnership) which gives us access to a wide range of sporting events and specialist teachers.(For further information you may wish to read the latest Partnership Newsletter )

Increase the amount of competitive and non-competitive sport in which our children can participate

Offsite swimming in order to ensure all children in years 3-6 participate in swimming activities in an environment which will stretch and challenge their swimming ability, (use of additional coaches to work alongside staff)

Hire qualified sports coaches to work alongside staff for short PE modules, which include areas such as: multi-skills, rugby, football, lacrosse, hockey, archery, tri-golf, dance, gymnastics and athletics.

Funding our school’s own ‘Outdoor Learning Curriculum’ (Forest School)

Purchase equipment so children have access to the latest materials, PE sportswear

Subscribe to the online portal ‘cyber coach’ so children have access to high quality sports coaching indoors (the virtual dance instructor allows staff to choose from a wide selection of work-outs, tuition and dance classes.)

Release staff to attend training and further develop PE in Clifton school.

Increase daily exercise for all children

Develop our outdoor PE environment by updating pitches and flooring to ensure safe and effective areas for children to be active within

Update our outdoor activity resources, enabling more children to be able to be active during break and lunch times as well as during PE lessons.

Employ an additional staff member to facilitate ‘Sports Leaders’ within school

Offsite adventurous activities such as: rock climbing; canoeing; ghyll scrambling; dragon boating; mountain hiking; orienteering.

Financial Transparency

Individuals Earning more than £100,000

There is a national statutory requirement to report the number of individuals earning more than £100,000 per annum. Currently, there are no individuals earning more than £100,000 at Clifton Primary School.

CFR Benchmark Funding Link for our school – click here