Hedgehog Class
Hedgehogs class is where you will find Nursery and Reception, the children are taught by Miss Hunter and Mrs Chalmers.
We have so many wonderful experiences on offer in the classroom and have created a learning environment that is welcoming, engaging and exciting for the children to explore and thrive. We have areas dedicated to maths, writing, arts and crafts, home corner, role play, construction, small world, funky fingers, a sensory area and a quiet reading den; something to capture the interests of every child!
We also have a covered shelter attached to the classroom. This area has a large walk-in sand pit, mud kitchen, water play, chalk boards, gravel pit, writing shed, loose parts and themed equipment and activities that change depending on our topic.
In Nursery and Reception we use a mixture of Tapestry and paper learning journals to observe and document the children’s learning through the year. We add observations and pictures of things your child has been doing in the day. We also love seeing and sharing all the wonderful activities and events that have happened at home!
An Interview with our class:
What are your favourite books? Barry the Fish with Fingers, The Rainbow Fish, 10 Little Unicorns
What is your favourite thing to do with your friends in school? Play!
What is your favourite school dinner? Pizza, Sausage in a bun and cake with white icing and sprinkles
What is your favourite type of weather? Sunny and windy
Would you rather live in a tree house or an underground cave? An underground cave
What would you want your superpower to be? Fire and water power
When we are older, we would love to be... motorbike riders, princesses, builders, mermaids, horse riders, astronauts!