School Performance and OFSTED
Clifton Ofsted 2023
Click HERE to read the full report.
Click HERE to visit Ofsted’s ‘Parent View’ website
We believe the report demonstrates the vast amount of hard work, commitment and passion that have been given by the staff to ensure the best possible education for the children. Our children are at the heart of the school – their positivity towards their learning, school life and each other, and the strong, positive relationships between home and school are all recognised in the report. Some highlights from the report are:
- Pupils are proud to be part of the school family.
- Pupils feel safe and happy to learn.
- They [children] are respectful, friendly and take good care of one another.
- Leaders and teachers have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Pupils know this and behave very well.
- Pupils are kind and tolerant. A typical comment from pupils was: ‘Everyone is welcome in our school’.
- Pupils participate in a range of interesting and adventurous trips and visits, for example to centres for outdoor learning and to local museums.
- They take part in a wide range of sports, proudly representing their school in local events and competitions.
- Leaders have revised the curriculum. They have ensured that it is ambitious for all pupils and have organised it carefully to support pupils’ learning in mixed-age classes. As a result of these changes, pupils are developing an increasingly secure body of subject knowledge.
- Leaders and teachers have ensured that reading has a high priority in the school. In the early years and key stage 1, they build pupils’ phonic skills skilfully.
- Leaders are determined that pupils with SEND will achieve just as well as their peers. Leaders and teachers accurately identify pupils with SEND at the earliest possible stage. They ensure that the right support is in place for these pupils to do well. Consequently, pupils with SEND are confident in approaching the next phase in their education.
- Teachers make the most of opportunities for pupils to learn outdoors. For example, in the adjoining ‘secret garden’, pupils learn about forest crafts and enjoy building campfires.
- They participate in local sporting and cultural events... These rich opportunities help them to learn about the wider world and prepare them well for the future.
- Older pupils help look after children in the early years at breaks and lunchtimes. They look out for them on the yard, swiftly running to help if one of them falls over.
- Parents and carers said that teachers are approachable and willing to listen, typically commenting that ‘all staff have the children’s best interests at heart’.
OFSTED March 2023
School Performance Tables
Figures last published April 2024. Please click here to view