School Uniform
All children are expected to wear school uniform, which is purchased directly by parents. Uniform is currently supplied by ‘Sam Scotts, Penrith’. However parents can buy uniform in any of the other high street stores or supermarkets without the school logo.
In the interests of health and hygiene, trainers are not considered suitable footwear for the school day.
Pupils are expected to play outside unless the weather is particularly inclement.
Children in EYFS will be learning outside every day, regardless of the weather conditions. It is therefore essential that warm, shower proof, outdoor clothing is brought to school each day throughout the school year and that in summer a hat or cap is provided.
All clothing must be named.
The uniform consists of:
Navy blue sweatshirt / cardigan with the school logo.
White polo shirts with / without the school logo.
Black shoes (Trainers for P.E. only).
Grey, black or navy skirt, pinafore or trousers.
In summer blue school dresses can be worn and school uniform smart shorts.
PE Kit:
Black/dark blue shorts and plain light blue round neck T Shirt.
Navy blue or black shorts with/without the school logo.
In winter we advise children to wear jogging/track suit bottoms.
When applicable—Swimming trunks/costume (boys and girls).
Bookbags are available from the school’s Reception.
Jewellery & Nails:
Please ensure nails are kept short with no varnish and jewellery is minimal for school attendance. Although we would encourage children who are getting ears pierced to do so over the holidays, small, plain studs are permitted. These should be removed or taped for PE and sports events.