Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs and Disability is a term used to describe a wide range of additional learning needs that can fall into four broad areas of need ( 0 -25 SEND Code of Practice)
Clifton Primary School is an inclusive school and we strive to meet the needs of each and every child. We offer a nurturing environment where we support all children to flourish by experiencing success and finding their own way to shine. Our 7 Cs of Clifton ( Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Curiosity, Craftmanship, Confidence and Commitment) are embedded throughout school life and provide all children with the skills necessary to become independent and resourceful learners.
We endeavour to meet the needs of all children through quality first teaching, adaptive teaching strategies and individualised support and interventions. If necessary a child may be given a personalised support plan created by the class teacher and SENDCO lead and these are regularly shared with parents. In addition teachers and the SENDCO Lead are always happy to speak to parents about any concerns they may have.
Information relating to SEND in our school can be found within our SEND Information Report
Cumbria Council’s Local Offer provides a wide range of support for families of children with SEND
There are many organisations that offer additional support and advice and Mrs Brabant can help you access these. The following links are a good place to start.
SENDIAS provide impartial information, advice and support for children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities and their parents and carers.
IPSEA offer free and independent legally based information, advice and support to get the right education for children and young people with SEND in England
More information about Special Educational Needs can be found on the government website
The 0-25 SEND Code of Practice can be found here
Our Special Educational Needs and Disability SENDCO is Nikki Brabant.
If you have any concerns relating to SEND, or require any further information, please email admin@clifton.cumbria.sch.uk or contact the school office on 01768 868817.